Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thymus gland

Thymus gland is both an endocrine gland and lymphatic organ.
Located under the sternum, anterior and superior to the heart.
Fairly large childhood, it begins to disappear at puberty.
The major hormone is thymosin which helps to stimulate the lymphoid cells that are responsible for the production of T cells, which fight certain diseases.

Thyroid Gland

  • Is a butterfly-shaped mass of tissues located in the anterior part of the neck.
  • It is about 2 inches long, with two lobes joined by strands of thyroid tissues called the isthmus.
  • Thyroid gland has a rich blood supply. It fact, it has been estimated that about 4 to 5 liter (some 8.5 to 10.5 pints) of blood pass through the gland every hour.
  • Thyroid gland secretes three hormones: thyroxine, triiodothyronine and calcitonin.
  • The function of thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are as follows:
1. Controls the rate of metabolism in the body: how cell use glucose and oxygen to
produce heat and energy.
2. Stimulates protein synthesis and thus helps in tissue growth.
3. Stimulates the breakdown of liver glycogen

  • Calcitonin controls the calcium ion concentration in the body by maintaining a proper calcium level in the bloodstream.
  • Approximately 99% of calcium stored in bones. Calcium is necessary for blood clotting, holding cell together and neuromuscular functions.
  • Proper secretion of calcitonin into the bloodstream prevents hypercalcemia, a harmful rise in the blood calcium level.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Types of Fractures


Pergerakan lokomotor bersifat aliran gerakan dari satu tempat ke tempat yang
lain. Pendidikan pergerakan lokomotor menyokong perilaku pergerakan yang

  • Konsep
Pergerakan lokomotor berkaitan dengan gerakan atau aliran. Jika pergerakan
lokomotor digunakan dalam persembahan kita akan dapat melihat arah gerakan
dalam persembahan itu. Terdapat pelbagai cara pergerakan badan dalam
gerakan lokomotor, gerakan ini melibatkan arah, aliran, haluan dan masa.
  • ARAH
Arah melibatkan bentuk arah gerakan iaitu kehadapan atau kedepan atau kekiri
atau kekanan
Haluan ialah melibatkan corak gerakan contohnya samada boleh dalam bentuk
lurus, bengkang bengkok zig zag dan lain-lain.
  • MASA
Masa adalah masa yang digunakan untuk melengkapkan pergerakan, masa
boleh dalam keadaan cepat atau pelahan, dengan cara tiba-tiba atau terkawal.

Neuron Structure

Crossed-Extensor Reflex

Knee Jerk Reflex